Bright Start Preschool’s Curriculum

Children’s joy and happiness is a big part of their learning. At Bright Start, we encourage them to have fun as a part of their education, with child-led activities which are adapted to their abilities and interests. We use a combination of the 'High Reach' and 'We Can' curriculum to help children develop and prepare them for school.

High Reach Curriculum

High Reach curriculum is a system of educational programs which emphasizes project-focused play, relationship-based learning, and the discovery of teaching opportunities in any experience or interaction.

The program is focused on children ages 0 through 5 years, which means it is ideal for children who have not yet started kindergarten.

At BSP, we use this curriculum to create customized lessons, incorporating children’s interests into our learning plans. It is only by relating to children and encouraging exploration of their abilities that we can inspire further learning.

We Can Curriculum

We Can Early Learning Curriculum is an early learning solution that prepares children between 3 and 5 years old for academic success in kindergarten and beyond.

We Can uniquely integrates content, skills, resources, and technology to provide children with the foundational knowledge they need to continue their educational journey.

With a combination of fun, vibrant, and interactive learning, we are able to offer children differentiation in every lesson and fill them with confidence in their own abilities.

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